Thursday, February 23, 2012


This year, I've decided to itemize my medical expenses, after discovering halfway through last year that the difference in the cost of my gluten-free food from normal food could be written off. At my last doctor's appointment, I took in a simple form letter stating that I had been diagnosed with Celiac and that the only course of treatment available was to remain on a gluten-free diet for life. My doctor had it typed up on letterhead a
nd signed a copy for my records, in case I am ever audited. (If you're looking for what medical expenses are claimable, may I refer you to It is sort of hidden, under "Weight Loss Programs")
I made my first gluten-free shopping trip of the new year just last week, and once I crunched the numbers, the difference was amazing: nearly $50 on one trip, and that not even a big stock-up. Here's my receipt and my calculations:
I understand that may not be readable, but to give you the gist, after purchasing my gluten-free items, I took a notebok around the store and wrote down the price of a comparable item, as well as the weight of the product. The weight was important, as my gluten-free bread comes in a loaf that is about half the size of your normal one. I calculated the price per ounce, and then used the weight on the gluten-free product to calculate a comparable price. From there, it was easy to determine the difference (however, if I ever get a tablet, this whole process would be much easier with spreadsheet software). The most pricey items, as was to be expected, were the bread and the Bisquik. I can't wait to see the difference when I buy pasta, that's sure to be a stunner as well.
Now, for me, this is worth my time. You can only deduct medical expenses above 7.5% of your gross income. For me, with as low an income as I receive, this would pretty much equal my monthly trip to the grocery store, plus the copays for my required doctor's visits. For you, it may or may not be worth it. If there are multiple people in your family who have to go gluten free, this may be a real life saver when it comes to those expensive grocery trips!

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