Every so often, I see a post online about someone complaining about people being picky about gluten-free eating. In most cases, it is some big-name chef, someone who ought to be better informed about food in general anyway. And that makes me MAD!
The most recent one I've seen was tweeted about by one of my favorite authors, Laurel K. Hamilton. Bryan Morcom, chef at Restaurant Alma, Minneapolis, stated that the one culinary trend he wishes would die is "gluten-free" because "we get five or six people coming in each night asking for gluten free." Ok, so while I live far, far away from Minneapolis, I can guarentee I would never go near any place this guy cooked at. My diet is not a "trend", and I'm not just doing it because Zoey Deschanel does. I eat gluten free because if I don't, I will have crippling symptoms now and potential for deadly complications later. Another idiot chef I read about a while back, Damian Cardone of Colorado, admitted to PURPOSELY contaminating his customers' food with gluten. I don't know if any legal measures were ever taken, but you better believe there would have been if he had, say, slipped a shrimp into the food of someone with a shellfish allergy. Let me allow this genius to speak for himself:
“Gluten free is bull****!! Flour and bread have been a staple of life for thousands, THOUSANDS of years. People who claim to be gluten intolorent dont realize that its all in there disturbed liitle heads. People ask me for gluten free pasta in my restaurant all the time, I tell em sure, Then I serve serve em our pasta, Which I make from scratch with high gluten flour. And you know what? nothing, NOTHING! ever happens! People leave talking about how good they feel gluten free and guess what, They just had a full dose! Idiots! may God help the Liberal hippie idiot who’s going to ask for gluten free pasta this weekend.”
No, Mr. Cardone, may God help you and Mr. Morcom and other ignorants like you when you face the consequences of alienating one of the most commonly diagnosed food sensitivities in the United States. Heaven forbid you or someone you care about develop celiac and have to go on my "trendy" diet.
Outside info from: http://www.twincities.com/ci_20223007?fb_comment_id=fbc_10150676694556702_21771078_10150678810326702#f25ddb32fd265a